Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

It is Election Day and some 160 million voters will be casting their ballots today. I stole some time from work mid-morning to head to the polls, thinking a 10:00am line would be shorter than the 7:00am line my wife was in earlier. When I arrived the parking lot was full and there was a line snaking out the door, down the sidewalk and around the soccer field. I was not discouraged and stayed in high spirits as I conversed with my fellow Americans – thankfully no political talk, we reserved it to,  “can you believe this line?” and, “once you get to the steps it’s an hour.”

One electioneer was offering promotional post cards for a state treasurer candidate.  The guy behind me said, “no thanks, I’ve seen enough.”  Several of us nodded in agreement.  It’s been too much and I think I speak for all of us when I say I’m looking forward to not seeing a political ad for a while.

I had a little over an hour to kill, and as my mind wandered, I thought, how would the presidential candidates look with moustaches? Would we take them any more or less serious? A moustachioed president would command respect, that’s for sure. Here’s a little photo shop, you be the judge:

While the political campaign is coming to an end (thank goodness), our campaign for men’s health continues (wahoo!).  The Midwest Moustache Alliance has a mission to promote men’s health by encouraging our brothers to lead a healthy lifestyle, be aware of common health risks, and do it in a way that may be found funny in some circles.  You can help us out by following the blog – just type in your email address where it says “Follow by Email”, and supporting our Movember.com team, the Midwest Moustache Alliance. 








1 comment:

  1. Actually, the mustache may have had an impact on the election after all. Or not. Either way, here's my take on the relationship between the election and Movember: http://themileageonmyface.tumblr.com/post/35209504379/mobama
    Salutations from one Movember blog to another! Keep calm and grow on, Mo brothers!
