Tuesday, November 13, 2012

MMA Welcomes New Members

Brian Deal’s roots run deep in the south, particularly in a little town called Atlanta.  Like Sherman and his infamous march, Brian declared total war on his face and has blazed a trail across the region of his upper lip, making room for new and prosperous growth.  To accomplish his goal of a unified moustache, like Sherman’s troops he has taken to foraging for food and living off the land.  His primal instincts and high metabolism have made a noticeable impact on the goose population in Forest Park.
Peter Kim adds a little Eastern flair to Movember team, Midwest Moustache Alliance.  Hailing from the eastern regions of St. Louis known for their strip clubs, corn fields, and horse radish festivals, he has developed the recipe for the perfect ‘stache.  Here’s Peter on moustachery, “Growing up, my dad always had great tips on how to put hair on your chest, but never said, ‘Peter, this will put hair on your upper lip.’  I’ve taken some of his proven guidance, added in a few of the aforementioned aspects of living in St. Louis East and believe I have the precise formula for not just a Fu Manchu, but a full on B.J. Honnicutt."

Mike McLean, a Scottish Greek, grew up in a small community outside of Madison, Wisconsin.   His father, a haberdasher, raised young Mike in the family business.  Exposed to the dapper side of men’s style and fashion, Mike learned early on the fine lines between business casual and formal wear, along with the significant difference between an electric razor trim and a proper four pass straight razor shave with hot towel treatment.  Mike’s ability to grow a ‘mo is not in question, it’s whether he chooses to wax the tips and don a Tam O’ Shanter, or keep it classy with a neatly trimmed Chaplin and a bowler.

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